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“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
Matthew 28:18-19 ESV

Before Jesus ascended into Heaven He gave His followers the Great Commission. They, as His body, were called to continue to do the Kingdom work that He had been doing during His time on Earth. Because this was a calling to the Body of Christ and not just to those men and women who happened to be with Jesus on that particular day, we are called into this same work. This is our calling. This is our charge.

The problem however is that the church has made this task overly complicated, and reserved for the “experts.” With the convictions that: 1) this is God’s plan, 2) this is God’s power , and 3) we are vessels to allow this to happen, C.O.R. began to reevaluate what it means to “evangelize.” The result was ONE. A view that each of us has been given unique footprint in the history of the world, and it is that unique combination of our friends, family, job, neighborhood, and church that comprises our field God has given us to work in. We just need to go to Him and ask for the eyes and hearts to see what He is doing in our daily ordinary lives. And so…..

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Each Day Ask the lord to provide us with:

One person to pray for
One person to encourage
One person to invite
One person to share with
One person to bring into the Kingdom

Last Sunday we began a new phase of ONE as we transition from our individual lives to our corporate life as Christ our Redeemer Anglican Church. As we go through Go Therefore we will be looking at what our “field” looks like, what evangelism looks like in our current cultural crisis, and ultimately what God has prepared for us to walk in. So, join us as we discover the lightness of Christ’s yoke, and the joy of Kingdom work.

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Challange #1

Our world has changed so much over the last few months, and with social distancing the task of reaching out has been made a little trickier. However, we have been blessed with the easiest way humanity has ever had to communicate. Use social media in the same way you would normal interaction. If you see someone with a need pray for them, encourage them, invite to church or faith experiences, and look for avenues to tell God’s story in your life. This is also done from the comfort of our own homes.
